About Us
A South African in the heartland of America!
An immigrant story from rags to…… well, still in rags and slaving away in a self-made sweatshop, the basement of my parent’ house.
a South African – American, I hope you feel the energy of South-Africa in America and even though I am loving my new surroundings and print these in the U.S.A. They are imagined and designed from my deep connection and ripped-up roots from the African continent.
American lifestyle inspired designs are an honest tribute to my new adopted country, that I met for the first time 30 years ago but, only settled here now. It’s giving me every opportunity to build my own piece of the American dream. Here I have always been welcomed but, I have a South-African heart, and my spirit is from a country of which the wildlife will forever be part of my soul.
My aim is to stay true to the ancient beauty and innocence of wildlife, but with an artistic and fashionable edge that you can love into the future. Something you can buy online from anywhere that reconnects you to the natural world, your home.
Growing up in South-Africa, the wonder of nature all around you can be taken for granted. It was just part of life but, I can truly say that the presence of these magnificent creatures inspired awe and the experience can only be described as insights into the real meaning of life.
“Nature was a friend of our original instinctive self or soul because we grew up with it. Humanity spent all its infancy and childhood alongside nature in the ‘Garden of Eden’ that was Africa” - Jeremy Griffith, FREEDOM, The End Of The Human Condition.
They are our ancient friends and so intrinsically connected to us, more than we can remember. For millions of years, we shared an innocence of life and that is part of the true beauty of what wildlife anywhere on the planet should mean to us. Their heartbeat is yours, life is life.
A basement in the middle of a freezing Iowa winter is my workspace to escape too. Writing and designing stirs a sense of yearning for those surroundings. It's a hemisphere away but, it’s warm down here and full of fairy lights. I feel close to those origins digitally creating these prints, thousands or even millions of years after ancient man first created their own rock paintings. This is my artwork and cave but, a happy place where I choose to be.
Bold and very visual, raw and imperfect, these designs represent a true and unpretentious nature. I can only dare to give meaning to it. Find a way back to your connection with the cradle of humankind.
I am really glad I found you. Let me know what you think! Most of the time I am by myself when I'm talking. It's like I can't shut-up but there is no one around!
Join this journey at ROOS Original Designs with big dreams and big prayers for a new South African - American horizon.
What do you mean I’m obsessed with black and grey t-shirts?!

Twilight Run From Extinction
Through our designs we attempt to shed light on the natural world's daily struggle for survival. Roos Original certainly isn't doing enough and we don't pretend that we are by the nature of this site. This is a business after all but, we hope to at least help start a dialogue between the wearers of our t-shirts and observers, even if it is just to remind us of what is happening out there.